Bennington 25RFB – ESP – Blackout 2021 (US-ETWK8587D121 ID35003573)

2021 Bennington
25RFB – ESP – Blackout

Imagine being aboard this luxurious 25 quad lounge boat with your loved ones. Anchored at your favorite spot enjoying the sun and someone playing DJ with your rear facing speakers and remote. Now, instead, make it a reality and start making some real memories!

Bennington 25QX-SPORT 2020 (US-ETWH9505K920 ID04395146)

2020 Bennington

THE ONLY QX SPORT SOLD IN NH BY WINNI MARINE!!! This is an unbelievable boat that was sold and serviced exclusively by Winni Marine. Customer is trading towards a larger, twin-engine Bennington. This boat has so much detail to it that Bennington actually stopped producing them because of the production time and cost. Here is your once in a lifetime chance to own the craziest Bennington ever produced!!!

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