09-21-15 Wicked sunrise this morning! 43F

And it was pretty close to the 30’s too. This is what happens when the lake is 73F (check out the lake temp monitor on our web cam page) and the air temp is 43- it’s called fog…

09-13-15 Glooooomy !!!!

Ok. It had to happen. It’s raining on a weekend day. Time to get everything done at home today so you can get out on the lake next weekend. We’re back into the mid/upper 80’s next week- AGAIN !!!!!!

08-21-15 6:59pm The calm after the storm. Sun’s out !!!!

Well it took all day. We had drizzle on and off. Sun and shade. Finally just as the gas dock was closing at 7pm (Friday and Saturday evenings, July 4 till Labor Day) Mr. Sunshine came out for a visit. Hopefully we see him tomorrow too…

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