Spring has sprung!! Winnipesaukee and Winnisquam are both Iced-Out !!!!
Customers boats are back in the water and we’re back in action !!!!
First gas pumped for the 2022 season. And first test ride to be sure this Bennington is ready for the customer…
It was an awesome day out !!!!
OMG. The continent of Antarctica broke loose, floated up the Atlantic, Merrimack, Winnipesaukee River, and Lake Winnisquam only to become lodged in the Weirs Channel against our gas dock.
Who would have ever thought this was possible? Global warming, or just bad luck?
Get Ready Boaters !!- It’s happening. The warm air and the sun are taking it’s tool on the lake ice…
Lots of water on the ice. The beginning of the end is near !!!! Boating 2022 is just around the corner…
OMG The new epoxy flake floor is finished. AND IT’S AWESOME !!!!
The new Service/Parts facility at Winnipesaukee will be ready to go in no time !!!!
The sales crew goes for a little (440 mile) snowmobile trip!!
From Winni Marine over Winnipesaukee and up to Pittsburg. Dinner at Tall Timbers Lodge and back.
Sunrise over Lake Winnisquam. Prime territory for snowmobiling right now !!
Get out there while it’s good. You never know when the evil rain might make an appearance….
Stage 2 Flake applied. Looking Awesome !!!!
Clear Epoxy coats going on next! Stay tuned for more pics !!
Stage 1 of refinishing the New Showroom Floor. The binder is applied.
Epoxy Floor New England is doing an awesome job!! Multi-color flake tomorrow and finally the clear epoxy top coats.
Max explaining to Steve how not to land your snowmobile after a big jump…
Ryan’s like NO- you guys are on the wrong side of the sled!!