04-16-20 Another happy customer heading out for the summer on Big Lake…
We took real good care of his boat this winter in our specially designed triple log pontoon boat storage facility !!
04-08-20 Just an awesome day at Winni Marine on Winnipesaukee!! The ice is gone and the sun is shining !!!!
We see more boats cruising by every day. It won’t be long now !!!! Everyone please be safe !!
04-04-20 Paugus Bay is Iced-Out and it’s Salmon Season !!!
And the fishermen are back out on the water. Good Luck Fishing Guys !!!!
04-05-20 6:33am Awesome sunrise over Lake Winnisquam this morning !!! And we’re Iced-Out !!!!
There was a little bit of ice drifting around this morning north of Three Islands. BUT- not much and the lake if fully navigable…
04-03-20 Just like the Fed’s ramping up production on all those ventilators, Ed’s ramped up production on corona virus shields.
Production day and night. We need those shields to protect our employees and customers !!!!
03-27-20 The suns up and Winnisquam Marine is OPEN. We are an essential service following safe CDC guidelines.
Service, sales, slips, valet will all be happening with safety guidelines being followed.
03-21-20 8:04am Sha-Zam !!! WINNISQUAM IS ICING-OUT !! Sound the alarm !! RED ALERT !! Boating Season 2020 is here…
The wait is over !! OPEN WATER !! Get online/text us and get your “Spring Launch Prep” directions in to the marina. We’ll be boating SOON !!!
03-20-20 5:54PM The state of the ice late Friday on Lake Winnisquam. Looking REALLY black, lots of fissures developing !!
It won’t be long now. A gusty wind, a little rain, some sun and higher temperatures will do it in !!
03-18-20 The guys out sledding Millsfield, NH. Still lots of snow up there !! Ed, Ryan, Mark and Rob.
4-5 inches of fresh snow on a sunny warm day. 125 miles. Hopefully not our last ride……..
02-15-2020 And yet another SOLD Bennington Pontoon Boat out the door at the Boston Boat Show !!
Lot’s of happy Bennington Pontoon Boat customers out there this summer !!!!