11-24-18 Red Alert !! This building is full. In fact- all the buildings are full !!! We’re wrapping our rentals and used boats for the winter. We’ll do them in clear wrap with a door for better access when we have a sale.
Now all we need is spring… Tick-Tock !!!!
11-24-18 The boys did get out and do a little riding over the T Day break. Ryan (and his 4 boys), Ed, Mark, Cam, Max, Jake, Tim, Colin (and friend) got out on their Jeeps and 4-wheelers for a spin! No sleds yet- soon…
Unless it goes and rains! Which it did…
11-22-18 Moonlight Shining Bright over a really full Lake Winnisquam. It’s rained, It’s been cold, It’s been windy. Crazy weather this Fall. OR- did we have a Fall?
It moved pretty much from summer right to winter this year. And both lakes are full to capacity. No water shortage here…